**We received this letter from a long-time Upland resident and with his permission we are now sharing it with all of you.**
Time for preparing our REFERENDUM and our City Council RECALL
Now is the time to prepare to save Upland, my beloved home town (I am a native, and don't even refer to her as "The City Of Gracious Living", but rather as "The Citrus Capital Of The World", as she was long listed in the World Book's yearly Almanac). It may be long years away before she will once again grow the world's best citrus (although, in time, that, too will be accomplished), but right now, the United States is in the fight of its life against the "Globalist" (i.e. Communist) conspiracy to destroy her. But, be assured that "my money's on.." Miss Liberty; and I believe my Lord's is too.
On Christmas Day, 2014, having been praying for the restoration of our wonderful Constitution and thereby our God-given freedom, as-well-as for Upland's restoration, I was at the northeast corner of the former Upland Citrus Association packing house (between 3rd and 4th Avenues, north side of A Street), when suddenly, and on the Lord's birthday, no less, there appeared something I've never before in my life seen, and thought I'd have to someday travel to Alaska to see, an American Bald Eagle--and right here in my own hometown!
So, if the revolution must come, let it start right here in Upland, a City which has ALWAYS been about freedom ( starting with freedom from Ontario ).
We can do this thing, --no matter how difficult it looks. One of my Dad's favorite sayings was, "Can't never could." And he was right. Onward! First to save Upland, then the United States.
Oh, and by the way, I had another Bald Eagle sighting, right above the old folks home, just a few weeks ago. Marion, the owner of Eagle's Nest, himself of Indian heritage, tells me ANY such sighting is "A blessing from THE GREAT SPIRIT"....
Do You think we'll win? I know we will, and temporary setbacks will be mere annoyances.
Yours In Freedom,
Wynn Sands