About Us
Life | Liberty | Happiness
We are a group of concerned Upland residents. We are concerned that the City has been updating its General Plan without an honest effort to reach out to the majority of Uplanders in developing the new guidelines or even asking us if we want to become an Urban City as they have now planned.
Here is how we got involved.
For those of us residents who still get a water bill in the mail, we found an inserted flier that was titled, “Upland - Our Next Steps…” It reads:
(See the entire flier which is also a Public Hearing Notice under “Documents” on this site.)
Underlining added for emphasis.
“The City of Upland is pleased to announce the completion of a comprehensive update of the City’s General Plan, Zoning Code and Cable Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan, as well as the preparation of a new Climate Action Plan and related environmental documents.”
“The comprehensive update program was completed as a result of ongoing community participation. The community input process helped form the vision and key themes that have laid the foundation for the plans; directed the preparation of General Plan goals, policies and actions; and formed the Zoning Code development standards and design guidelines.”
WHOA! BACK THE TRUCK UP! What Community Participation? What ongoing community input? Who decided that we were going to base our goals on Global Warming and public transportation? (Read the plan!)
The more we talk to our neighbors and friends, the more it becomes apparent that there was no true community outreach. A few have heard that the General Plan is being updated, but EVERYONE is shocked that Upland is going to be TRANSFORMED into an URBAN CITY with HIGH DENSITY housing with INCENTIVES to developers to build for LOW INCOME RESIDENTS and all based around anti-car transportation hubs – buses, bicycles and walking – aiming to reduce the number of cars in Upland.
The plan completely changes our character and values!
Council Members: Debbie Stone, Gino Filippi, and Carrol Timm have passed the Plan!!!
Contact the Mayor and City Council to voice your extreme disappointment with their decision: citycouncil@ci.upland.ca.us