In an earlier article, I posted photos of the Smart Growth City of Ogden, Utah. Pack and Stacks, complete streets, complete with a live-work historic downtown. Many readers were shocked to see what "Smart Growth" looks like and how it doesn't work.
Well, you don't have to travel out of state to see High-Density "Smart Growth" housing. In fact you can see it right next door in Ontario, Glendora and the astounding almost mile long Playa Vista on the West Side in Los Angeles.
Take a look at the photos above.
If you want more, look on You Tube or Google the "Platinum Triangle in Anaheim" - solid High-Density housing on Katella Blvd between the 57 and 5 freeways. Just pure insanity. They are trying to make Anaheim into Manhatten, New York.
Stop this madness. Stop High-Density. Help us put a slow growth measure on the ballot.